Author: Stephanie Patterson

Ambergris Caye, Belize

Fuck Fear, Take the Leap

It all started with a ladder, deep in a cave in Belize, in 2015. Having swum my way into a cave once used by the ancient Maya, scrambling my way up and down rocks, and wading through ankle deep water, I, along with the rest of the tour group, found […]

My travel plans and goals for 2017.
Life, Travel

2017: Travel Plans and Ambitions

The general theme of 2016 for most seemed to be “the worst year ever.” I had my fair share of bad days and challenging circumstances, but there were also a lot of amazing things that happened. I started the year unemployed, and ended it with immense personal growth. I expanded […]

Fryjacks at Errolyns House of Fryjacks Caye Caulker, Belize
Eats, Taste, Travel

2016: As Told Through the Food I Ate

I began 2016 with little to no direction, having recently left my full-time job. Naturally, I turned to the Internet for solace. Search results for my situation resulted in three main narratives: do nothing, travel the world, or cry. (I did all three.) Some days I expanded my comfort zone […]