Central Florida

Tacos and fresh guacamole at Black Rooster Tacqueria - Orlando
Central Florida, Eats, Taste

Orlando Eats and Treats Worth the Hype

There’s a direct correlation between my struggle to stay on track with a healthy diet and the accounts I follow on Instagram. As my friend Lisandra likes to justify it for me: “Stephanie, you do eat for a living.” Thus, I attend bootcamp workout sessions during the week, and stuff […]

The Big Kahuna pizza at Brewpop Brewery - Auburndale,FL
Central Florida, Drinks, Taste

Creativity on Tap in Auburndale

Up until a few years ago, my knowledge of beer was limited to Corona, Landshark, Blue Moon, and other beers that taste good adorned with various fruits. I preferred wine, despite knowing little to nothing about it, (honestly still not much progress in that department) yet a glass of apricot […]