
The Big Kahuna pizza at Brewpop Brewery - Auburndale,FL
Central Florida, Drinks, Taste

Creativity on Tap in Auburndale

Up until a few years ago, my knowledge of beer was limited to Corona, Landshark, Blue Moon, and other beers that taste good adorned with various fruits. I preferred wine, despite knowing little to nothing about it, (honestly still not much progress in that department) yet a glass of apricot […]

Laughing Bird Caye - Just a 40 minute boat ride off the coast of Placencia, Belize
Belize, Click, Travel

Paradise Found in Placencia, Belize

Before arriving in Placencia, I worried I wouldn’t like it. People offered up activities for John and me to do incase we got bored during our 4 night stay. I knew the village itself was small. I hadn’t visited last year, so a little fear of the unknown was at […]